Nap Time

It’s 9:30am and I haven’t slept yet. I stayed up all night long to make sure that Chris woke up for his early flight to Atlanta. I stayed up until he left . . then chatted a bit on the phone with my bud, Reilly.

Now I’m laying down for a little nap - - not too long, or else I’ll be up all night again and will get my days and nights all screwy, like I’ve done in the past.

I’ll leave you with this parting quote that Reilly told me this morning when we were talking about dead beat dads . . . and for that matter, dead beat parents who, for some unknown reason - can’t find it within themselves to better their lives in order to better their ’s lives . . and provide a good and positive role model for their to look up to . . . . you know the kind . . who refuse to get a job, keep a job or seek out opportunities to improve their lives? The ones who look every where else for a hand out . . . rather than turning the gaze inward and asking themselves the critical question of what can I do? How can I make this better? And then follow through and make it happen for themselves, for their .

For those parents came this quote . . . (paraphrasing) . . “If you’re not going to take the steps you need, and the steps you can, to improve your life and the lives of your - - then I want you to tuck your into bed tonight . . look them straight in the eye and say ‘I’m sorry - you’re just not worth it’.”

Before you bash me with stories of people who just can’t help it because of this circumstance . . or because of that situation - - I’m talking about the parent who CAN but just won’t. The parent who has the means and the way - but just won’t.

That’s it for the day. Looking back over my past few posts - we’ve covered Dead Beats, Frog-Cicles and My blog as my lover. Ya think I need sleep? Oh . . .and how!